The 15 Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

How to Check Your Voicemail Remotely
This article will cover how to listen to your voice messages without your phone, helping you get back to your missed callers faster. In this blog post we are going to run you through a quick guide to help access your voicemail remotely.
The 15 Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts
Think of keyboard shortcuts as a secret code that unlocks a world of productivity and efficiency. You don't have to be a tech genius to use them, but once you start, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.

What to STOP and START Doing if your Caller ID Shows as ‘Spam Likely’
If you notice that your caller ID has been labelled as ‘Spam Likely’ or that your calls are being blocked altogether, this is because your number has been flagged. To fix this, you will need to change your calling behaviour. This blog will give you a few tips and tricks on how to do that.

How to Turn Off Call Forwarding - iPhone and Android
Call forwarding can be a useful tool for businesses and professionals that want to redirect phone calls in and around the office. But there may be many reasons why you want to turn it off, such as if you have returned to the office while on break. This simple guide will show you how to turn off both conditional and unconditional call forwarding, whether you are using an iPhone or Android device.

The Top 6 Tools For Any Remote Team
With about 20% of people around the world in some sort of lock-down, remote working is the new normal for most.

Five Tips For Leading In Uncertain Times
Uncertainty is arguably the most challenging time to lead in. Uncertainty leads to fear and leaders are looked upon for answers that they don’t have. Uncertainty is something leaders are not strangers to, however crises like COVID-19 magnify uncertainty to a degree that many have not experienced before.

How To Adapt Your Marketing During COVID-19
Marketing during a crisis can be extremely challenging. I have pulled together advice from market experts, business owners, and my own research to create tips relating to marketing during COVID-19.

The 6 Step Guide to Small Business Goal Setting
Setting the right business goals for your company is paramount. We have spoken about how your goals are vital when leading in uncertain times and when creating a social media strategy, but none of this matters if your business goals aren’t up to scratch to start with. I’ve put together a five step guide to help!

How to Grow Your Small Business With Technology
New technology can be intimidating for those who don’t work directly in the tech sector, but if implemented can create significant opportunities for your business.

The Best Locally Made Tools for Kiwi Freelancers
We have put together a list of five Kiwi-made tech tools to make your life as a freelancer easier.

How to Set Up Your Landline, DDI or Toll-free Number With Vxt Voicemail
Vxt supports using multiple numbers with one account. You can even use Vxt Voicemail with your DDI, toll-free, and any other non-mobile number.

How to conduct a successful stocktake in 8 easy steps
With the end of the financial year, many companies are starting to prepare for their annual stocktake. An accurate stocktake can help business owners identify variances that assist them in making more informed purchasing decisions, while avoiding over-stocking items that don’t sell...

5 Strategies to Boost Customer Loyalty
Customer loyalty is a measure of how likely customers are to do repeat business with your company. The ability to turn one-time buyers into repeat customers is key to keeping your revenue flowing and crucial to business success.

4 Tips To Help You Work From Home in 2021
With some parts of the world on full lockdown, and others encouraging people to work from home, it’s likely you will find yourself working from home at some point. We want to help you be more productive and efficient so we’ve listed 4 tips to help you work from home in 2020.

How to Make a Business Voicemail Greeting [Examples]
A professional voicemail greeting can improve your business’s credibility and demonstrates your competency, which is often the first step towards developing a professional relationship. This blog post shows how to make an effective greeting that will keep callers on the line and encourage them to leave a message.

What is Visual Voicemail and Do You Need It? [Explainer Guide]
Instead of having to call your mobile service provider's voicemail number with visual voicemail, your messages are displayed in an app similar to most email or messaging apps.
How to Save Important Voicemails
Whether it’s to save a message from a loved one who has recently passed, or a recording of something incriminating like a threat, there are a number of reasons why you might want to save your voicemail. In this blog post we will teach you how to save important voicemail messages from your iPhone or Android Smartphone.

How To Change and Manage Your Voicemail Greeting: A Step-By-Step Guide
Voicemail greetings are easy to create and can help leave a positive impression on callers. In this article, we will run you through a step-by-step guide which will show you how to change and manage your voicemail greeting no matter what phone or app you use.

5 Best Voicemail Greeting Examples for 2022
Voicemails are simple, easy, and can leave a positive impression on callers. Even if you are unable to answer someone’s call, they can still be left with a positive impression thanks to the voicemail greeting they receive. Use voicemail greetings as a subtle yet highly effective tool to foster positive business relationships.
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