Together with internal teams at Vodafone NZ we've resolved the issues facing Vodafone On Account & Red+ users.

Thursday 26th March 2020
Over the past few months we have been working closely with Vodafone NZ as a part of the Vodafone xone Partner Series Programme with BNZ. For more info about the programme and what it means for Vxt check out this post. There are a variety of projects we're working on throughout the programme and one of those is getting on top of the issues our users on the Vodafone network regularly face. Early this week Vodafone made a change to their network which means that users on Vodafone On Account & Red+ plans are now able to use Vxt without using our Personal inbox numbers described here. We're really glad to be able to share that we're making progress, as promised, to resolve issues for our users every day. To stay up to date with resolutions to issues, new features and changes to the app make sure you're following @vxtapp on social media.Find us via the links below,
If there's something about Vxt that you want changed, then let us know by emailing! We're always open to feedback on how to make Vxt work for you.