Let's take it back to when VXT first started: 18 November 2018. Out of their frustration with voicemail, co-founders Lucy and Luke set off on their mission at the University of Canterbury Summer Start-up Program to improve the process for receiving voicemail messages.
They created VXT, an innovative app that could transcribe voicemails automatically, eliminating multiple time-consuming steps usually required to check your voicemail. The new application took off overnight, resulting in 4,000 users in just a month.
Having already established a large customer base, the team knew VXT could be even bigger. After interviewing over 100 different people to learn what they really hate having to do, a clear pathway opened up to create a VoIP phone system for professionals who hate paperwork. Since pivoting the business from a B2C voicemail transcription product to a B2B VoIP phone system, VXT has been on an upward trajectory. With a team of 15 backing the platform, VXT clients around the world have collectively made over 4 million calls in the last three years.
We intend to wind down VXT Voicemail in 2025. Customers will be notified via the mobile app, and email prior to services being stopped, where it is relevant we will provide refunds. We truly appreciate the support from those of you who were here from the start, so we have put together our recommendations for how you can continue to transcribe your voicemails.
Option 1: Upgrade to VXT Call
You may choose to upgrade to VXT Call. However, if you have been using VXT solely for transcribing your voicemails, it is unlikely you would benefit from the upgraded suite of features that come with upgrading your complete phone system.
If you use VXT for business purposes, with a business number, particularly if you are an accountant, lawyer, or recruiter, there may be a strong business case for you to upgrade to VXT Call. If you want to upgrade to VXT Call, please keep in mind these limitations based on where you are located:
VXT is charged on a per-user subscription basis. You can read more about our pricing here.
Option 2: Move to a different visual voicemail provider
Visual voicemail apps, like VXT voicemail, transcribe your messages so you can quickly read and prioritize them without having to spend minutes or even hours listening to every single one. Here are our top picks (please note geographic support may vary):
- Check if your mobile provider offers visual voicemail
- YouMail
- Google Voice
- Instavoice
- HulloMail
- Voxist
- Cricket Visual Voicemail
Option 3: Go back to your mobile service providers normal voicemail services
To do this, you will need to turn off VXT Voicemail. Instructions for how to turn off VXT Voicemail can be found in this support article.