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MyCase and VXT announce a connected phone and case management solution for law firms

Law firms can now sync their VXT phone system with MyCase to automatically generate file notes and bill time from calls.

VXT Voicemail will be discontinued in 2025

Although we will never forget where it all started, the time has come where we will be shutting down VXT voicemail on January 1, 2025. We truly appreciate the support from those of you who were here from the start, so we have put together our recommendations for how you can continue to transcribe your voicemails.

Porting Your Mobile Number to VXT: A Simple Guide for Businesses

This guide will walk you through porting your mobile numbers to VXT and explain why it might be the right choice for your business.

Loxo and VXT announce a connected phone and talent management solution for recruiters

Recruitment agencies can now sync their VXT phone system with Loxo to automatically generate notes and have more personalized conversations. By saving notes to the relevant candidate or job, recruiters save time, mitigate risk and have more time to do what matters most: build relationships with top talent.

How Law Firms are Minimizing Fee Leakage by Embracing Automation in Their Legal Practice

Fee leakage is the loss of potential income or revenue resulting from missed billable events, inaccurate time tracking, or inadequate systems that fail to capture and monetize all billable activities. Learn how firms are adopting modern automation tools to prevent fee leakage.

Changes to international calling, and abuse protection

This post is to announce upcoming changes to the structure of our pricing for international outbound calls.

Our largest update ever is coming

Our largest update ever is coming on January 27th 2024.

What is VoIP? What, How, Why?

VoIP services are a great alternative to a traditional phone services. In this guide, we are going to cover what VoIP is in a bit more detail, how it works, and why your business could consider switching to a VoIP service.
Tips and Tricks

How to Check Your Voicemail Remotely

This article will cover how to listen to your voice messages without your phone, helping you get back to your missed callers faster. In this blog post we are going to run you through a quick guide to help access your voicemail remotely.

Updates to our terms of service August 28, 2023

VXT is updating our terms of service effective 28th August 2023 (NZST). By continuing to use VXT, you accept the new terms.

Streamlining Recruiting Processes: Embracing Integrated and Automated Technology

Efficiency is key in today's fast-paced recruitment landscape. Both candidates and clients demand a speedy recruitment process, and recruiters are searching for tools and technologies to support them with this. Let’s take a look at what the best recruiters are considering when looking for tools:

Calling and SMS for JobAdder - VXT Integration

Hi, It’s Luke here. In this video i’m going to show you VXT’s integration with JobAdder. Can’t watch the video right now? Check out a summary of the highlights in this post!

Calling and SMS for Smokeball - VXT Integration

Hi, It’s Luke here. In this video I'm going to show you VXT’s integration with Smokeball. If you can’t watch the video right now, check out the summary of the video below!

Calling and SMS for Clio - VXT Integration

Hi! It’s Luke here. In this video I'm going to show you VXT’s integration with Clio. If you can’t watch the video right now, here is a quick summary of VXT’s integration with Clio.

4 Ways Law Firms can use ChatGPT

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance and permeate different industries, it's becoming increasingly clear that it has the potential to revolutionize the way we work and live. The legal industry is no exception to this trend, and ChatGPT, a large language model developed by OpenAI, is a prime example of AI's potential impact on law firms.

The Top 5 Benefits of Using a VoIP Phone System for Recruiting Teams

If you're considering implementing a VoIP phone system for your recruiting team, here are the top five benefits you can expect.

Calling and SMS for Actionstep - VXT Integration

Hi, It’s Luke here. In this video I'm going to show you VXT’s integration with Actionstep. Can’t watch the video right now? Check out a summary of the highlights below!

Karbon and VXT announce a connected phone and practice management solution for accounting firms

Professional service firms can now sync their VXT phone system with Karbon to automatically generate notes, saving time and mitigating risk.
Tips and Tricks

The 15 Most Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

Think of keyboard shortcuts as a secret code that unlocks a world of productivity and efficiency. You don't have to be a tech genius to use them, but once you start, you'll wonder how you ever lived without them.

What to STOP and START Doing if your Caller ID Shows as ‘Spam Likely’

If you notice that your caller ID has been labelled as ‘Spam Likely’ or that your calls are being blocked altogether, this is because your number has been flagged. To fix this, you will need to change your calling behaviour. This blog will give you a few tips and tricks on how to do that.

The Client-Centered Law Firm

There is no rulebook for law firms that want to attract clients. But if there was, then shifting to a client-centered law firm would be the first chapter, if not the whole book!

Gaining an Edge in a Candidate Short Market: How Recruiters Can Leverage ChatGPT

Recruiting in a candidate short market can be an uphill battle, with intense competition for top talent. Fortunately, innovative technologies like ChatGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) have emerged as powerful tools for recruiters to navigate this challenging landscape.

Vxt Announces Integration with Clio for Smarter Legal Communications  

Together Vxt and Clio will empower lawyers to be client-centered and firm-focused, simplifying firm management so lawyers can spend more time doing what they do best— practicing law.

How to Set Up a NZ Toll-Free (0800) Number in 5 Minutes

Toll free or 0800 numbers are everywhere. In this guide we will answer what a toll-free number is, how they work, and how your business can use one in 2022.

Say hello to simple

VXT runs on the device you are using right now. Try it for free today.