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Forward your voicemail to any email

Have voicemail transcriptions and audio files sent to one or more email addresses.

Have audio files and transcriptions of your voicemail automatically sent to your email from the VXT app. With VXT, you'll have a comprehensive record of your communication history at your fingertips.

The team at Bishop have enjoyed and valued the partnership with VXT and always appreciated their friendly, responsive and authentic style of operation. Whilst they promote a technology solution they have found a way of doing so with tremendous humanity!

Robert Bishop
Bishop Associates

Frequently asked questions

No FAQ's at the moment. Got a question? Contact us at

Still got questions?

See our documentation page for more information on this feature.
See support documentation

Integrated with software you use

"Ease of use, integration with our practice management software and great team supporting their product."
"VXT is an effective and user-friendly addition to our toolkit."
"Easy set up with the VXT team, who  were available the whole way through. The software is really easy to use"

Modern voicemail

VXT runs on the device you are using right now.