VXT Voicemail
The product that started it all. VXT Voicemail has been merged into VXT Phone, our all in one VoIP phone system built for lawyers, recruiters and accountants.

Voicemail was launched in 2018.
Voicemail gained thousands of users in the time that we launched. We've since pivoted our core service for a wider range of clients with VXT Phone, our all-in-one integrated phone system, designed for lawyers, recruiters and accountants.
"VXT has been incredible. VXT has helped us provide a better service to our clients and grow our own internal team. The initial sales team and onboarding process were flawless. The solution itself has the most intuitive UX I've encountered and the integration with our ATS is by far the best I've come across. I'm very impressed!"
Daniel G.
Director, IT recruitment
Say hello to simple
Use the phone system built for lawyers, recruiters and accountants to automate your admin and save time.